Oliver Koop - Live @ Hellio - (26-10-2011)

Biography of Oliver Koop:
Oliver Koop resides in Europe’s capital: Brussels, Belgium. Influenced by artists like Derrick May, Surgeon, Jeff Mills and UR, Oliver started mixing in 1998. In 2004 he started to produce his own tracks. His own productions can be called deep and dark minimal, strong techno and everything in between. He really has a passion for producing and you can hear that at labels like M_Rec, TMM Records, Contrast Records, RapidFireRecords, RBL Records.

Early on, Oliver was very much into electronic music and more so by Detroit Techno which made him dive into this passionate world.

Influenced by May, Surgeon, Mills, UR & Scan7 Oliver Koop started mixing as a resident for LinePhase, a Brussels after party concept from 2003 until 2007. Through this residence he did not only play in Brussels, but also in different cities to make a name for himself. In a very short time period he was quite relaxed behind the decks and found a way to impress the audience and make his mark as a DJ. Nowadays you can spot Oliver at Fuse, Dali’s Bar (KONTAKT) and the NEMO- parties every weekend.

Besides spinning the vinyl he has also started producing himself. Thanks to this, you can find the fruits of his passion on labels such as M_Rec, TMM Records, Contrast Records, RapidFireRecords, RBL Records, etc…

Oliver’s future is quite promising as every day he works on his own tracks and at the same time he stays close to the party scene and what the people want.

Al zeer snel werd Oliver Koop gebeten door de elektronische muziek & meer bepaald de Techno van Detroit deed hem in deze passionele muzikale wereld duiken.
Beïnvloed door artiesten zoals Derrick May, Surgeon, Jeff Mills, UR en Scan7 vond Oliver Koop zijn plaats achter de draaitafels als resident op de “Linephase” afterparties. Via deze weg kon hij niet enkel in Brussel, maar in verschillende andere steden zijn muziek en zichzelf bekendmaken.?Op zeer korte tijd voelde hij zich thuis achter de discobar & wist hij het publiek te bekoren & zijn stempel te drukken als DJ. ?Tegenwoordig vindt men hem weekend na weekend op plaatsen zoals de Fuse, Dali’s Bar (Kontakt) & de N.E.M.O’s
Naast het draaien stortte hij zich op een meer dan passionele wijze op het producen van eigen materiaal. ?Zo kan men tegenwoordig de vruchten van deze passie terugvinden op labels zoals M_Rec, TMM Records, Contrast Records, RapidFireRecords, RBL Records, etc

Artist: Oliver Koop
Tittle: Live @ Hellio
Rls date: 26-10-2011
Genre: Techno
Source: WEB
Type: Live set


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Oliver Koop live @ Hellio 26.10.2011 by Oliver Koop

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