Something about Umek:
Although he’s established technician, master of three decks and FX performances, it wasn’t easy for Umek to get acquainted with those needles and mixers in the first place. You have to bear in mind his home country was part of former eastern block and most of the small clubs could only afford cassette and CD players at that time. “I could only dream of having my own decks in the beginning of 90’s. As a single parent my mother could not afford that kind of expense. But I was lucky I’ve met few guys that recognized the talent in me and gave me the opportunity to start.”
Umek was regular at club Palma matinees at that time. He spent most of the afternoons standing in the corner watching deejay mixing records, until one day resident DJ Alf offered him to finish his set. He seized the opportunity, somehow managed to get through the night and they’ve agreed he can practice on that decks and mixer for an hour or so before the weekly matinee. "After I’ve conquered the technique and performed for a few times in Palma, I’ve got offered opening slot at Aldo’s night in K4. It only paid as much to buy one CD, but it was a steady job and I really liked it." It was also the time when he decided to sell his collection of 200 CDs. "It’s something I still regret, but it was the only way to earn money I needed to buy vinyl.”
In the early 90s buying techno records seemed almost a mission impossible for someone living and working in Slovenia. Closest shop with that kind of music was in Germany, almost 500 kilometers away from Ljubljana. “We heard there are some records shops in Munich. So we’ve booked the weekly shopping bus, drove to Munich, and found that shops on our own. It wasn’t easy but we’ve successfully finished that adventure. I’ve only had enough money to buy eight records, but this is how my collection started.”
Artsit: Umek
Tittle: Live @ Escape From Wonderland - San Bernardino - California - USA
Rls date: 29-10-2011
Source: WEB
Type: Set
Genre: Techno
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