The next installment of our monthly podcast is delivered by a italian and now berlin based DJ and Producer called "Nocci".So feel free to have a listen and get into this amazing Techno set, enjoy this in your living room or on your mp3-player!More sounds from Noccii here: john-free
Something about Fabrizio Nocci's Style:
Fabrizio Nocci is an Italian and now berlin based dj & producer.Inspired by visionary composers such as Iannis Xenakis, Fabrizio Nocci presents innovative shows trying to overcome what he calls the “frame of a show”.Crossing these borders means to alter all the constituent parameters of the performance: length of the concert, space among musicians and sound sources, contextualization of atypical settings for the presentation of shows, integration with other forms of art (video art and new media), improvisation elements, interaction with the audience, electronic re-elaborations.As DJ and Producer nocci plays around his live sets. Over 100 tracks of exploratory and electronica original pieces of pure techno style. He presents only its original productions, creating nightmarish atmosphere.His DJ sets are characteristically offensive and dynamic, hard and consistent, but also surprising and emotional.
Artist: Nocci
Tittle: PlusEins Podcast #016Rls date: 09.01.2013
Genre: Techno
Source: WEB
Type: Set
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